The jockey






The jockey "prepares" the horsemanship (we also say drive) of its horses.


Have a look at first at what you will discover when you have to prepare your horse for a race over 1600 m of one of your committed horses:

In the first column, we find the various edges of distance all 200 m.


In 2 ème column, we find the options of requests to be chosen as each of the edges of 200 m.

Below, you have this:


You have the possibility of increasing the shape of your horse (the idf) of 2 points. If you wish to make it, it is enough to mark this option. Attention, if you choose this option, you will have to wait at least 10 days before reusing it.


When you selected everything, you do not have more than to register the horsemanship (drive).


For a novice player, it is very complicated to find the best drive of your horse. It depends on the potential of your horse, this potential varying according to his state of shape (the idf), as well as its preference ground...

With too low requests, your horse will be under driving, it will not give its maximum, with too strong requests, your horse will be overdriving, that is that at the end of running it "will crack” and its speed will flop, the objective thus is to find the good requests.

It is thus preferable while waiting for to learn gradually, to appeal to the services of an experimented jockey, best being as usual, to ask of the help in your clan!


Know nevertheless, that jockeys use of a "board of drives" to determine the optimal horsemanship of their horse.


There are some there. Furthermore to help you, you can make run your horse in races of clan, to see how he behaves with drive that you chose.

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